End Social Media Drama In Your School, Church, and Home  Without Busting Your Budget?

98% of students (3rd-12th Grade) say they are less likely to cyberbully or send inappropriate pictures after our training.

Book Your FREE Call Today!

As Seen On:

What Our Partners Say:

In-Person Training

Built around your class schedule and your budget.

Online Training

Built to fit your organization's and your parent's busy schedule

Home Training

Built to empower parents to lead their children's online life

Det. Mike Lemon
Founder, Cyber Safe School

After spending 16 years hunting online predators for local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies, I know know very well what happens when our children make mistakes on social media and gaming systems.

I've worked hundreds of these cases from embarrassing photos traveling all over the school to missing children traveling across the country with someone they just met online and a whole lot worse.

Giving students the skills to make good decisions online and parents the skills to keep their kids safe is the solution and my mission.

I know this works because my Cyber Cop Trainers and myself have partnered with hundreds of schools to train over 250,000 students, parents, and professionals in these skills and we are getting feedback like this:


 "The morning after your program, I had a line of boys outside my office wanting to get "those pics" off their phone.  Your training really hit home"


"Just wanted to let you know, after your presentation, I had a group of high school girls come up to me freaked out that schools and employers would check their social media.  They said they were deleting all the bad stuff that night!!"

"Thank you for coming to my school yesterday.  I thought you would like to know that a 4th grade student told her parents that she has been talking to someone online because she learned the warning signs.  This person was grooming her.  She is safe now.  Thank you for what you do."


This why I do it. Prevention is powerful.

Here to help,


Grab Your FREE Consultation Call

How We Help?


Elementary School (3rd-6th Grade)

In this very interactive and Parent's Rights Bill conscious way, students learn: 

  • The signs that they are talking to a dangerous person (Red Flags)
  • What to do if they speak to a dangerous person without an adult around
  • How to safeguard their online accounts so they don't meet dangerous people

Middle/High School (6th-12th Grade)

Using real cases I worked as a detective and real stories of families I have helped, students will learn the lessons without carrying the scars of:

  • What they post, send, and share WILL impact their future college and job opportunities
  • How employers/colleges will use tools to search their social media accounts
  • When they send "those" pics, they face social, financial, and legal consequences
  • more...

Train 10-40x More Parents In Just 15 Minutes

Parents are too busy to come to in-person parent trainings.  We have raised the average number of parent attending school parent nights from 4 parents per training to getting 40-160+ parents to take the training using our proprietary online Family Engagement System.

More Trained Parents = Less Social Media Drama 

Empower Students and Parents To End Social Media Drama in Your School, Church, or Organization

We have ways to help any size organization or budget.  Grab your time to see if it is a good fit for you.

Grab Your Time To Talk